Birding Central Australia #4
Central Bearded Dragon Pogona vitticeps.
Reptiles on move
The warm weather has begun with bird activity beginning to drop during the hottest parts of the day. Our reptile friends are becoming active with the warmth though, and I have seen a few big Western Brown Snakes out and about, along with plenty of Mulga Snake and Yellow-faced Whip Snake, so when you’re out bird watching this week… watch your step.
Other things to look out for include the wonderful Bearded Dragons and Thorny Devils that are showing up on all the roads around town at the moment. These icons of the Red Centre are getting squashed by the dozen, so really keep your eyes on the road when you’re out driving during the week.
Thanks to everyone that has been sending me their bird sightings over the last few weeks, it is really building into a great record of this fantastic season.
Interesting Bird Sightings:
- Susan Heckenberg has been lucky enough to find a family of four Barn Owls in her back yard in Braitling. Keep your eyes peeled as they may be roosting in trees around this area
- I saw three magnificent Brolgas by the roadside near the turn off to Ali-Curung community
- There seems to be an invasion of Feral Pigeons establishing a nice home for themselves in the sheds at The Ghan depot
- Big flocks of Red-tailed Black Cockatoos seen about town with 150 near Jessie Gap and another 80 on the Tanami Rd
- Three Black falcons on the power lines near the start of the Tanami Rd